Each year Blue Mountains Quilters donate Christmas Hampers to the residents at Wimlah (DV West Blue Mountains).
We would like to acknowledge and thank the following local businesses for their very generous donations of goodies, gifts and vouchers which were included in the hampers.
Buzz Buzz, Leura
Gifts on the Mall, Leura
Greenwell & Thomas Pharmacy, Katoomba
Josophan's Fine Chocolates, Leura
Leura Pharmacy, Leura
Maharani Boutique, Leura
Max & Me, Leura
Mountain Ama Cafe, Katoomba
Rachael's Hair Cupboard, Katoomba
Teddy Sinclair, Leura
Tempus Cafe, Katoomba
The Hatters Cafe, Katoomba
True to the Bean Cafe, Katoomba
Uppercuts, Katoomba
1. Bronwyn, our Community Coordinator Handing over the hampers to Ruth from DV West Blue Mountains.
2. The hampers